Church Road, Shepperton, Middlesex TW17
First floor additional bedroom and bathroom extension.
First floor additional bedroom and bathroom extension.
Loft Conversion and associated internal works.
Detached double garage with utility room, staircase and playroom over.
Part two storey, part first floor side and rear extension and rear roof extension to provide extended ground floor retail unit and two additional two bedroom flats with parking area to rear.
New railway station and three storey office building, including platform, car parking and roadway improvements.
Demolition of existing chalet bungalow and detached double garage, store and workshop and erection of a new three bedroom bungalow and detached double garage with garden store.
Erection of a part single, part two storey rear extension and garage conversion.
Rear premises external area survey for Quick Print & Copy Shop and Shepperton Glass. Client - Fellnole DTP Ltd.
Conversion of existing first and second floor residential accommodation into a two bedroom flat, one bedroom flat and studio flat. Complete refurbishment of property.