Weybridge, Surrey KT13
Residential development of four semi-detached houses and six apartments for a private client.
Residential development of four semi-detached houses and six apartments for a private client.
Demolition of existing garages, store, study and utility room and the erection of a part single and part two storey side and rear extension. Associated internal and external works.
Single storey side extension and associated internal alterations.
Rear extension including kitchen, family room and study. Internal redecoration works to existing house.
Two storey front and side extensions and two and single storey rear extensions following demolition of garden room, sun room, covered terrace, utility room and greenhouse.
Single storey front and rear extensions and first floor extension to form a four bedroom detached two storey house following demolition of existing conservatory and garage.
Internal ground and first floor alterations to existing property and single storey rear extension to create a family room. Internal redecoration works to whole of existing house.
Part single, part two storey rear extension and conversion of offices at ground and first floor to form 2 flats following demolition of existing part single, part two storey extension. Complete refurbishment of property.
Erection of a part single and part two storey front, side and rear extension including double garage following demolition of existing double garage. Associated internal and external works.
Two storey front, side and rear extensions. Complete refurbishment of property and associated internal and external works.