Squires Bridge Road, Shepperton, Middlesex TW17
Residential development of two semi-detached three bedroom houses and external works.
Residential development of two semi-detached three bedroom houses and external works.
Two storey rear and side extension following demolition of workshop and rear part of garage. Alterations to roof with rear and side dormer to form habitable rooms in the roof space. Complete refurbishment of property.
Single storey side and rear extension and associated internal alterations.
First floor roof conversion and extension.
Erection of a first floor extension to create a two storey house. Internal redecoration works to whole of existing house.
First floor side extension following removal of existing flat roof. Associated first floor internal works.
Detached two storey riverside dwelling with integral double garage following demolition of existing single storey dwelling. Associated internal and external works.
Two storey side and rear extension and internal alterations.
Detached two storey modernist house with detached double garage, workshop, courtyard, outdoor pool and fully landscaped garden.
Extension and alterations to existing first floor.